Otto Neurath: a classic of emancipatory thought



Neurath, ISOTYPE, Critical Theory, Positivism, Philosophy of Science


Otto Neurath's thought is located at the crossroads of some of the main problems faced in the short 20th century. Most of them still reverberate strongly today. However, he’s practically a stranger to many of our contemporaries in the social sciences. In this article, besides publishing this monographic, we explain his biography and main scientific and philosophic works and how they’re connected with each other. Therefore, the main reason to modify this monographic around his thought is no other than to provoke a further reflection in the spanish language and around the intellectual legacy. This monographic is formed by four axes. The first one revolves around the interpretation of Neurath's position -as philosopher of science, critic of the inherited tradition- around the controversies of positivism and the critical theory. The second axis elaborates Neurath's imprint on the development of green economy, through the reading of his developments on the fiction of commensurability or economistic fetishism. Thirdly, concerning his work as a promoter of practices for the democratization of knowledge (mainly through the ISOTYPE system). Finally, we explore little-trodden paths about his reception in Spain, from the award-winning infographics section of the now vanished newspaper Público (in print) to the philosophy of Francisco Fernández Buey and Manuel Sacristán.


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How to Cite

Moreno Pestaña, J. L., & Prieto Serrano, D. (2020). Otto Neurath: a classic of emancipatory thought. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 20, p2001. Retrieved from