Populist construction as artisanal practice and conjunctural analysis
discourse, strategy, political analysis, Íñigo Errejón.Abstract
This article presents a reading of Íñigo Errejón’s work of academic and militant political analysis around the year 2011. In these, I observe the development of a conjunctural reading practice, detailing its theoretical contribution grounded on the categories of Laclau’s theory of hegemony. For authors such as Perry Anderson, this theory should be incompatible with a specific conjunctural analysis. However, Errejón’s texts present an attempt at engaging in such an analysis despite the apparent tension. I also examine how this conjunctural practice assumes a normative position regarding the separation between cientific analysis and political intervention that allows it to develop a space for conjunctural analysis. These texts are studied as representative of two trends in contemporary political theory: on the one hand, as an example of a conjunctural analyses informed by the theory of hegemony in which the analysis has as its objective determining the political potentialities of a critical juncture; and, on the other, of a paradigm of artisanal construction in which priority is given to the possibility for elaborating discursive interventions that can translate between the disparate languages of the social and the political.
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