"¿Revolución o reforma?: la transformación de la identidad política del movimiento LGTB en España, 1970-2005" de Kerman Calvo Borobia


  • Pablo A. Cantero Garlito Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha


LGTB, social movements, human rights


In "Revolution or reform?" Kerman Calvo does not seek to build an analyzed chronology of events and try to answer whether the political identity of the LGBT movement in Spain from 1970 to 2005 underwent such a radical change process. But, in addition, the author puts the focus on the willingness of this movement to get involved in politics. The book has an enormous interest to understand how a social movement, in this case the LGBT movement, has been performanced in the social and political field, how it has participated in the sphere of political parties and how it has managed to conquer un unimaginable legal spaces. And yes, as the author suggests in the introduction, the work also serves as a tribute to those who put body, voice and life to conquer the rights that we currently enjoy in Spain.



How to Cite

Cantero Garlito, P. A. (2019). "¿Revolución o reforma?: la transformación de la identidad política del movimiento LGTB en España, 1970-2005" de Kerman Calvo Borobia. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 17, c1704. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/encrucijadas/article/view/79195