Risks of the emergence of management literature aimed at women


  • Maria Medina-Vicent Universitat Jaume I


Management literature, gender, management fads, ethics.


In this article, we address the emergence of the management literature specifically addressed to women, which emerges in response to the growing role of this group in management positions. In the first place, we treat the discursive background of the managerial literature in its general meaning. Secondly, we reflect on the low visibility of women as creators of this kind of literature, and we recognize some of the few women that could be considered within this category. Thirdly, we address the process that leads to the emergence of a subgenre aimed specifically at women. Finally, we try to address the women's leadership discourse contained in this literature and its ethical implications for the emergence of gender equality in organizations.

Author Biography

Maria Medina-Vicent , Universitat Jaume I

Doctora en Filosofía por la Universitat Jaume I (2018)

Becaria predoctoral FPI en el Departament de Filosofia i Sociologia, Universitat Jaume I (Castelló)

Licenciatura en Humanidades (UJI, 2014. Premio extraordinario Final de carrera y Premio a la Excelencia Académica de la Generalitat Valenciana)

Licenciatura en Publicidad y RRPP (UJI, 2012. Premio extraordinario final de carrera).

Máster en Ética y Democracia (UJI - UV, 2013).

Máster Universitario en igualdad y Género en el Ámbito Público y Privado (2016).

Máster Universitario en Investigació Aplicada en Estudios Feministas, de Género y Ciudadanía(2017).




How to Cite

Medina-Vicent, M. (2018). Risks of the emergence of management literature aimed at women. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 16, v1603. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/encrucijadas/article/view/79176



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