The logic of the Valencian underground music scene from a sociological perspective: highlighting, analysis and creation of a scheme that situates the participating agents



scene, underground, Valencia, field theory, capital


Based on a qualitative study based on interviews with different influential agents within the field of underground production, this paper proposes a scheme, based mainly on the sociological concepts of Pierre Bourdieu, that manages to capture the logic of operation of a movement that it claims to be autonomous and authentic. The city of Valencia has been taken as the study area, since the related spaces that allow this alternative circuit and the rest of the political and economic powers that try to subjugate and influence it are located there. Through a rigorous sociological analysis that directly relates the theoretical framework to the research conclusions, it will be possible to create a scheme that approximates the understanding and better management of a phenomenon that is currently in full creative explosion.


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How to Cite

Sanantón Martínez, I. (2024). The logic of the Valencian underground music scene from a sociological perspective: highlighting, analysis and creation of a scheme that situates the participating agents. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 24(1), a2402. Retrieved from