Reconfigurations, complexities and articulations of food, society and territory


  • Laura E. Martínez Salvador Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, UNAM
  • Víctor del Arco Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / INCIPIT-CSIC


food, agri-food, territory, society


In this introductory reflection entitled "Reconfigurations, complexities and articulations of food, society and territory", which also constitutes the presentation of the present dossier "Agro-food plots: transformations and links between society, food and territory", the interest in contributing to knowledge about the agro-food business, as well as the complexities, processes, interactions and dynamics that unfold around it, is explored in depth. This, highlighting the social, economic, environmental and cultural implications of the meanings and practices of food, economic activities, eating habits, and the configuration and reconfiguration of the act of eating itself. This introductory section not only introduces us to the contents of the dossier, but also synthesises the contributions of the interviews conducted with experts on the subject, the value of the translation of a text of thematic interest, as well as the ten academic articles written by the authors, from different latitudes, and with perspectives from different disciplines and methodological frameworks.


Contreras-Hernández, Jesús y Mabel GraciaArnaiz (2005). Alimentación y cultura. Perspectivas antropológicas. Ariel.

Muchnik, José (2012). Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados: desarrollo conceptual y diversidad de situaciones. En G. Torres-Salcido y R. M. Larroa-Torres (coords.), Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados. Identidad territorial, construcción de capital social e instituciones (pp.25-42). UNAM, CEIICH, FCPyS, Juan Pablos Editor.



How to Cite

Martínez Salvador, L. E., & del Arco, V. (2023). Reconfigurations, complexities and articulations of food, society and territory. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 23(1), p2301. Retrieved from