Rurality, quality and food: a vital academic trajectory between tradition and innovation. In conversation with Encarnación Aguilar


  • Encarnación Aguilar Criado Universidad de Sevilla
  • Santiago Amaya Universidad de Cádiz
  • Víctor del Arco Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / INCIPIT-CSIC


rural studies, quality brands, food, tradition


In this interview, Professor Emeritus of the University of Seville Encarnación Aguilar Criado answers a series of questions about rurality, food quality and tradition by looking back over her excellent academic, intellectual and life trajectory. Her reflections begin with a description of her early work on gender and domestic production by embroiderers of manila shawls in Seville, and continue with her research on food quality, tradition and innovation from the point of view of producers in rural environments. In this interview, the author also mentions the different researchers and intellectuals who have accompanied her throughout these years, allowing us to understand and contextualise the work developed during a whole academic life dedicated to teaching and research from the point of view of Social Anthropology.


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Gómez Benito, Cristóbal y Emilio Luque Pulgar (2007). Semillas de Modernidad. El servicio de Extensión Agraria (SEA) y la transformación del campo español (1955-1980) [Documental]. La UNED en TVE-2, (enlace).

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How to Cite

Aguilar Criado, E. ., Amaya, S., & del Arco, V. (2023). Rurality, quality and food: a vital academic trajectory between tradition and innovation. In conversation with Encarnación Aguilar. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 23(1), e2302. Retrieved from