The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in the Asia-Pacific from a legal perspective
Asia-Pacific, Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), free trade area, legal-institutional framework, consensus decision, dispute settlement, economyAbstract
Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, nº 136
Quadrimestral (January-April 2024)
ISSN:1133-6595 | E-ISSN:2013-035X
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, better known as the RCEP, is a free trade agreement signed by 15 countries from the Asia-Pacific region in November 2020. It took effect in January 2022. After presenting an overview of the agreement, this paper looks at the negotiations and the current state of the RCEP. It then focuses on its basic content, particularly from a legal standpoint, as it analyses the institutional framework, the decision rule, its legal sources and the dispute settlement system, without omitting to look at the agreement from an economic perspective.
>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language
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