Introduction: interregional relations in the world order


  • Jordi Bacaria Director de CIDOB. Catedrático de Economía Aplicada, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Valeria Marina Valle Investigadora del Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte (CISAN)-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)


interregional relations, North America, Europe, Asia, global value chains


Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, nº 110
Quadrimestral (Maig-September 2015)
ISSN:1133-6595 | E-ISSN:2013-035X

This article will analyse factors which, since the end of last century, have made interregional relations very important to understand the world geopolitical and economic order. Interregional relations are defined as those which pertain to relations between regions or between a given state and a given region, or within a megaregion. This evolution results from: the growing demand in the emerging economies and the interaction among them, a new framework of interregional economic relations, and the development of new commercial channels. Finally, this
paper will introduce the different articled included in this issue.


>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language


Baldwin, Richard. «Trade and Industrialization after Globalization’s Second Unbundling: How Building and Joining a Supply Chain Are Different and Why it Matters», en: Feenstra,Robert C. y Taylor, Alan M. (eds.) Globalization in an Age of Crisis: Multilateral Economic Cooperation in the Twenty-First Century. University of Chicago Press, 2014, p. 165-212. (en línea) [Fecha de consulta: mayo 2015]

Bernhofen, Daniel; El-Sahli, Zouheir; Kneller, Richard. «Estimating the Effects of the Container Revolution on World Trade». Working Paper (febrero de 2013). Lund University(en línea) [Fecha de consulta: mayo 2015]

Blyde, Juan (coord.) Fábricas sincronizadas. América Latina y el Caribe en la Era de las Cadenas Globales de Valor.Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2014.

De Backer, Koen y Miroudot, Sébastien. «Mapping Global Value Chains». OECD TradePolicyPapers, n.º 159 (19 de diciembre de 2013) (en línea) [Fecha de consulta: junio de 2014]

Feenstra, Robert C. «Integration of trade and disintegration of production in the global economy». Journal of Economic Perspectives, n.º 12 (1998), p. 31-50.

Feenstra, Robert y Taylor, Alan M. International Trade. New York y Basingstoke W. H. Freeman and Co., 2008.(Versión en español: Editorial Reverté, 2011).

Hänggi, Heiner; Roloff, Ralf y Rüland, Jurgen (eds.). Interregionalism and International Relations. Londres: Routledge, 2005.

Nye, Joseph S. y Keohane, Robert O. «Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Introduction». International Organization, n.º 25 (1971), p. 329-349.

OCDE. Interconnected economies: Benefiting from Global Value Chains. OCDE publishing, 2013.

OCDE-WTO-UNCTAD. «Report to G-20 on Implications of Global Value Chains for Trade, Investment, Development and Jobs». Preparado para la cumbre de líderes del G-20 en San Petersburgo (Federación Rusa), septiembre de 2013. (en línea) [Fecha de consulta: junio de 2014]

The Economist. «The Humble Hero». The Economist (18 de mayo de 2013) (en línea)

Ventura-Dias, Vivianne. «What Can We Say About Trade and Growth When Trade Becomes a Complex System?».Serie Comercio Internacional, n.º 27 (2003). ECLAC: Santiago de Chile.



How to Cite

Bacaria, J. ., & Valle, V. M. . (2024). Introduction: interregional relations in the world order. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, (110), 7–16. Retrieved from