Guide for reviewers

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Potential reviewers of articles will receive an email from the journal inviting them to participate in the review of a manuscript. In this email they will be informed about the article to be reviewed and the information to participate or not in the review.

NOTE: In the December volume of the Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España of each year, a list of the names of the persons who have acted as reviewers of the articles published in the same year will be published, without identifying the specific papers they have reviewed. If any reviewer does not wish his/her name to be published, he/she should expressly indicate this to the Editor-in-Chief when submitting the manuscript review report. 

In accordance with the best practice guidelines of the Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España:

  • They must inform the Editor-in-Chief if there is any conflict of interest, such as a close professional or personal relationship with the authors, or if there are profound scientific discrepancies with the subject of the manuscript to be reviewed, which could affect their impartiality, i.e., any type of situation that could influence the evaluation of the work.
  • They must consider the work under review as a confidential document until publication.
  • They must carry out the review objectively, considering the entire manuscript.
  • They should make constructive and well-argued criticisms.
  • They must warn the Editor-in-Chief of any indication of plagiarism, invented, falsified or manipulated data.
  • They must check that the works cited in the manuscript are relevant to the subject matter. Recommending the reviewer's own published work must be well justified.
  • They must submit the revision of the manuscript on the date agreed with the Editor-in-Chief. In the event of delay or inability to meet the agreed deadline, they must inform the Editor-in-Chief as soon as possible.