Authentic learning in service-learning: Theoretical learning and identity change
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We explored the potential of Service-Learning (SL) as a methodology for authentic learning, understood as that which occurs in real situations with real problems, leading to the acquisition of holistic learning that will generate personal transformations. To this end, we conducted research with students involved in similar SL experiences at two universities. The experience consisted of complementing teaching with collaboration for a semester in highly complex schools, with a majority Roma population. In both universities the subjects involved followed similar structures. Four studies were developed with mixed methodology. Two quantitative studies compared students who had undergone the SL experience with control groups who had taken the subject with traditional methodologies. The Course Value Inventory translated into Spanish was applied to check whether participation in SL generated differences in the three dimensions of learning: conceptual, procedural and personal. The two qualitative studies analyzed in depth the differences found in the previous studies through the analysis of the field notes generated by the students. The first qualitative study focused on analyzing the processes of acquisition and appropriation of the classes´ theoretical contents and the other on the processes underlying the identity and personal changes that were taking place. The quantitative studies yielded significant differences in the self-perception of the learning achieved, in both universities. The qualitative studies showed the importance of psychological tools and personal relationships for authentic learning, highlighting the importance of considering the SL experience as a frontier space of learning generated by new participants, new goals and new tools.
Key words: High Education, Service-Learning, Authentic Learning, Identity, Social Participation.