Arithmetic word problems in Primary Education. An analysis of teaching guides

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Raúl Tárraga-Mínguez
Julio Tarín-Ibáñez


Introduction: Textbook teaching guides that complement textbooks are key tools that guide teachers when implementing the curriculum in the classroom, especially in terms of assessment, one of the most relevant elements of the curriculum due to the repercussions that it entails. Methodology: this study analyzes the current scenario of arithmetic word problems in seventy-eight assessment tests of seventy-two primary mathematics’ teaching guides created by six Spanish publishers. We addressed two study objectives: to find out the word problem frequency compared to other routine tasks and to characterize the problems according to semantic structure, level of challenge, and the statement’s situational context. Results: our findings reveal that these tests contain a low number of arithmetic word problems compared to other types of exercises. In addition, the problems included in these tests show little variability in terms of their semantic structure, with problems mostly belonging to the subcategories of consistent arithmetic word problems (the easiest subcategories), which involve a low level of challenge and lack situational context that increases the understanding of the statements. These results coincide with those obtained by previous research, which has been carried out with curriculum materials published during previous legislative frameworks. This shows that, despite the changes in the educational laws in Spain, publishing houses have barely modified how they handle problem solving. Conclusions: the teaching guides do not constitute adequate tools to evaluate mathematical competence of problem-solving skills in primary school students. In addition, they can contribute to developing superficial and passive resolution strategies.

Keywords: Assessment, teaching guides, mathematics, primary education, problem-solving, textbook.

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How to Cite
Tárraga-Mínguez, R., & Tarín-Ibáñez, J. (2022). Arithmetic word problems in Primary Education. An analysis of teaching guides. Revista De Educación, 396.