Factors related to distorted beliefs about women and violence in secondary school students

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Esther Rivas-Rivero
Miriam Checa-Romero
Alejandro Viuda-Serrano


Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is an issue facing cultures globally and its origin can be found in gender-differentiated socialisation. This paper presents a cross-sectional and ex-post-facto study among a sample of 777 adolescents of Secondary Education in Castilla-La Mancha region (Spain) analysing the differences between boys and girls regarding distorted thoughts about women and the use of violence, as well as the relationship with religiosity, political positioning and the consumption of pornography. Findings show that boys have a greater tolerance towards these thoughts. Statistically significant differences were found among those who consider themselves to be very religious, politically right-wing and pornography consumers, compared to those who consider themselves to have little or no religious feelings, to be politically left-wing and to consume little or no pornography, respectively. Furthermore, the results of structural equation modelling show that sexism is directly related to distorted thoughts, while the relationship with religiosity and political conservatism is indirect. In summary, it is essential to identify their prevalence in adolescent 

population in order to prevent acceptance of intimate partner violence in future relationships. Educational environment has a major role for gender equality to build a society far removed from any form of discrimination against women, what should start with teacher training programmes and the inclusion of gender perspective in the classroom.

Keywords: Distorted thoughts, sexism, religiosity, political conservatism, consumption of pornography, adolescents.

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How to Cite
Rivas-Rivero, E., Checa-Romero, M., & Viuda-Serrano, A. (2021). Factors related to distorted beliefs about women and violence in secondary school students. Revista De Educación, 395. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/Redu/article/view/90449