Medical models applied to teaching: the proposal of the “educational MIR” in the light of international experiences of initiation to the teaching profession

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Inmaculada Egido Gálvez


In recent years, the idea of implementing a model of access and initiation to teaching inspired by the system used in the health professions, known as the educational MIR, has gained strength in Spain. This paper examines this proposal in depth, analyzing it from an international perspective. To this end, after a brief overview of the literature on the application of the preparation models used in medicine to the teaching profession, a literature review has been carried out to identify the features that characterize the induction programs based on the clinical approach that have obtained the best results in other countries, as well as the main recommendations of two International Organizations, the OECD and the EU, on effective policies to support professional induction to teaching. These features and recommendations are contrasted with the proposal of the educational MIR, in order to infer the possibility of its application and the requirements that should be met to successfully implement this model in the Spanish educational system. Although this proposal is considered viable and could contribute to overcoming some of the problems that teacher preparation in Spain has been facing for some time, prior to its implementation it would be necessary to address some issues that the international literature highlights as necessary conditions for the MIR to make a real contribution to the improvement of the teaching profession in our country.

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How to Cite
Egido Gálvez, I. (2021). Medical models applied to teaching: the proposal of the “educational MIR” in the light of international experiences of initiation to the teaching profession. Revista De Educación, (393). Retrieved from