Another Education is now possible: An introduction to alternative pedagogies.

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Paula Martínez


Alumdena García has conceived an invaluable and essential work for those eager to understand the constantly evolving educational landscape. This book functions as a beacon of knowledge that illuminates the many educational options available and establishes a solid foundation for informed decision-making regarding the education of young people. "Another Education is Possible" promises a comprehensive and clear view of the exciting world of alternative education in which traditional education is being challenged. This book offers a much-needed compendium of educational options that can shape the future of teaching and learning. It is time to move away from traditional, systematic education, one that values overexertion and consequently promotes inequality for children facing economic or family hardship.

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How to Cite
Martínez, P. (2024). Another Education is now possible: An introduction to alternative pedagogies. Revista De Educación, 1(403), 227–228. Retrieved from


García, A. (Ed. 9ª). (2020). Otra educación ya es posible: una introducción a las pedagogías alternativas. Litera.