Video games, educational implications
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This article aims to describe the educational implications of digital technology and its consumption by young people. It proceeds to conceptualise and put into context the terms: eSport, e-sport, video games and e-sports and their relationship with aggressiveness, gender, psychological consequences, and the possibilities derived from their use and application in the educational environment it explores aggressiveness in video games, exposing that they may involve learning based on causal influence on subsequent serious aggression; that young people with high levels of aggression may be attracted to the violence of video games and that the correlation between video gaming and aggressiveness may be caused by underlying variables. On the other hand, the female presence is low. Men playing weekly and for longer periods of time. The gender gap is present in factors such as experience, performance and gaming skills. Finally, the psychological consequences of video game use are analysed. They show that the use of video games is associated with higher levels of intrapersonal skills, higher stress management and lower interpersonal skills. In conclusion, we support the need to increase experimental, longitudinal and correlational studies to clarify the behaviours and consequences of young players in the use of video games, which will allow us to delimit more precisely the educational implications of digital technology in the future.
Keywords: video games, e-sports, education, gamification, aggressiveness,
gender, and psychological characteristics.