The voice of the Virgin in the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X


  • Joseph T. Snow Michigan State University



New Testament, Declared Mother of God, Miracles, Cantigas de Santa Maria, Multiple vocal tones, Characterization of the Virgin


Beginning with the New Testament and the single time Mary’s voice is transcribed, following it up with her being declared Theotokos (Mother of God) at the council at Ephesos (431 A. D.) and the proliferation of miracles attributes to her in the following centuries, we comsider the eighty Cantigas de Santa Maria in which Alfonso X reproduces her voice, speaking in a wide variety of tones to men, women, Christians, Jews and Moors, believers and non-believers. We perceive as a result the human side of the Virgin Mary as well as her reliance on divine authority.


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Métricas alternativas


Bayo, Juan Carlos (2004), «Las colecciones universales de milagros de la Virgen hasta Gonzalo de Berceo», Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 81, pp. 849-871. DOI:

Clement Bonafé, Arturo (2019), Theotokos Santa Maria, Madre de Dios. Xátiva: Paper Plegat, pp. 15-105.

Ildefonso de Toledo, arzobispo (2012), De virginitate Sanctae Mariae contra tres infideles. Toledo: Arzobispado de Toledo, Teológico San Ildefonso.

Mettmann, Walter (ed.) (1986-1989), Alfonso X, Cantigas de Santa Maria. (Clásicos Castalia, 134, 172, 178). Madrid: Castalia.

Snow, Joseph T. (1972), El loor a la Virgen and its appearance in the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X el Sabio. [Tesis Doctoral inédita]. Madison, Wisconsin.

Snow, Joseph T. (1992), «Alfonso como segundo protagonista en sus Cantigas: últimas consideraciones», en R. E. Penna y M. A. Rosarossa (eds.), Studia Hispánica Medievalia II (III Jornadas de Literatura Española Medieval). Buenos Aires: Universidad Católica de Buenos Aires, pp. 32-41.



How to Cite

Snow, J. T. (2022) “The voice of the Virgin in the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X”, Revista de Literatura Medieval. Alcalá de Henares, ES, 34(1), pp. 179–207. doi: 10.37536/RLM.2022.34.1.96560.
