Sobre a Revista

Enfoque y alcance

The "Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado (RIFOP)" is an international peer review journal, and is indexed in databases, repositories and indexes of national and international impact. RIFOP publishes original pieces of research on teacher training from a multidisciplinary and international outlook. This journal is governed by good practices in gender equality.

RIFOP provides a means of communication and dissemination of research and a forum for debate among professionals through quantitative and qualitative research from different backgrounds, countries and cultures. The focus is on teachers, their training, and the social, political and historical contexts involved in teaching and learning processes.

In addition, the journal will welcome bibliographical and theoretical research on the connection between education theory and practice, including academic staff involved in initial training and professional development.

The approach also takes in the original and rigorous analysis of the policies and practices involved in the preparation of teachers at all levels, and the contribution of higher education to teaching and learning processes.

The international character of the journal means that papers can be submitted in Spanish, Italian, English, French or Portuguese. The journal comprises two sections, one monographic and the other miscellaneous. Papers on the monographic issue can be sent in during the dates stipulated in the "call for papers", which will be announced on the journal’s website. The miscellaneous section will be made up of papers addressing a variety of issues and the submission period will be continuously open.

The RIFOP journal recommends the use of inclusive language in the articles. Likewise, it is reported that if the data collected during the research, prior to publication, have taken into account the gender variable, they should provide the results to assess the existence of possible differences.

RIFOP is a "Diamond journal" (OA diamon journal). The journal does not have APC, that is, there is no cost for the evaluation and publication of articles.

To request a paper copy, you must contact with Tomás Izquierdo:

Proceso de evaluación por pares

The RIFOP journal guarantees an objective, non discriminatory review OF SCIENTIFIC QUALITY of the original papers presented, following the ethical regulations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the principles of transparency and good practice of the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA): 

Double blind peer review.  RIFOP uses double blind peer review. Reviews of original papers are carried out in two stages: the first is a pre-review by the editorial committee to decide whether to reject, modify or send for peer review. Papers passing this stage are then anonymously reviewed by two external reviewers who are specialists in the subject matter and who will have no information whatsoever as to the identity of the author(s). In the case of discrepancy between the two reviewers, the paper will be sent  to a third reviewer. All the reviewers will use the public reviewing criteria, which can be found on this platform. The acceptance or rejection of a contribution will be based on the reviewers’ recommendations and comments.

Quality. The editor RIFOP will guarantee the choice of the most qualified and specialist reviewers to issue a critical, expert appreciation of the paper and with the minimum bias possible in order to assure the academic quality of the submissions through an objective, balanced and fair review process.

Plagiarsm.  RIFOP uses a plagiarism checker (Turnitin) to assure the originality of the papers published.

Confidentiality. The editor of RIFOP guarantees the confidentiality of the papers presented for review with all identifying data being removed prior to submission to double blind review.

Conflict of interests. The editor of RIFOP is responsible for ensuring there is no conflict of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative or others) between reviewers and authors.

Evaluation guidelines and criteria. The editor of RIFOP will ensure that all reviewers of papers receive the updated documents pertaining to the formal norms and criteria for assessment.

Meeting deadlines. The editor of RIFOP is in charge of ensuring deadlines are met for reviewing and publishing accepted papers. The editor undertakes to meet the published deadlines (30 days maximum to accept or reject a submission from its arrival o the Review Platform; and 120 days maximum form the start of the peer scientific review process). The editor likewise undertakes to ensure that accepted papers do not remain unpublished any longer than the time necessary for their edition in the forthcoming issue.

Monitoring. The editor and editorial committee of RIFOP will periodically review the evaluation process of the papers presented to ensure their suitability and quality.

Gender equality. The editor RIFOP will guarantee the choice of the most qualified and specialist reviewers to issue a critical, expert appreciation of the paper, having special attention to the gender equality of the reviewers.

Política de acceso abierto

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps in a greater global exchange of knowledge. In this sense, RIFOP is a "Diamond journal" (OA diamon journal). Thus, the journal does not have APC, that is, there is no cost for the evaluation and publication of articles.