Transformando las actitudes hacia la estadística y su enseñanza: un estudio exploratorio con maestras de Educación Infantil


  • Claudia Vásquez Ortiz Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



This study aims to determine the impact of a training workshop on teaching statistics in early childhood education -associated with the characterisation of the Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood Education- on the attitudes towards statistics and its teaching of 37 Chilean early childhood teachers. For this purpose, a mixed methodological approach was used, which considered the application of the scale of attitudes towards statistics and its teaching before and after the training workshop. This was complemented with the evaluation of the degree of overall satisfaction with the training experience, including those aspects that the teachers considered necessary to address or improve in future implementations. The results indicate a significant change in the attitudes of the participating teachers in all components of the scale. Therefore, it is concluded that it is imperative to provide teachers at this stage of education with professional development opportunities to improve their attitudes towards statistics and its teaching and, why not, their mathematical and didactic knowledge about teaching statistics in early childhood education.



How to Cite

Vásquez Ortiz, C. (2023). Transformando las actitudes hacia la estadística y su enseñanza: un estudio exploratorio con maestras de Educación Infantil. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 98(37.2).