Variables explicativas del rendimiento académico en Educación Primaria: implicaciones para la Formación del Profesorado


  • Elena Escolano-Pérez UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA
  • Fernando Martín-Bozas UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA



Teachers, during their initial and permanent training, must develop skills to respond to the challenges of the educational system. Currently, one of these challenges is the improvement of the students’ academic achievement (AA). Responding to it requires firstly analyzing what factors are contributing to the AA in order to subsequently intervene on them. The aims of this study were: 1) to analyze whether there were differences in the students’ AA according to their level of executive functions (attention, inhibition, emotional regulation), quality of life (physical well-being, psychological well-being, autonomy and relationship with parents, relationship with friends and social support, relationship and support in the school environment), physical activity, course and gender; 2) determine the explanatory capacity of these variables on the AA. Three hundred twenty-four Primary Education students (8-12 years old) participated. They completed the Attention Problems, Hyperactivity/Impulsivity and Emotional Regulation Problems scales of the SENA questionnaire to assess their executive functions, the KIDSCREEN-27 questionnaire to assess their quality of life, and the PAQ-C questionnaire to assess their level of physical activity. AA was measured with their grades. Statistically significant differences were obtained based on the level of the three executive functions evaluated and the five dimensions of quality of life. No significant differences were found according to the level of physical activity, course and gender. Only two variables (attention; relationship and support in the school environment) were explanatory of AA. Addressing these aspects in the initial and permanent teacher training is a crucial instrument to make it possible to improve the students’ AA.



How to Cite

Escolano-Pérez, E., & Martín-Bozas, F. (2023). Variables explicativas del rendimiento académico en Educación Primaria: implicaciones para la Formación del Profesorado. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 98(37.3).