The Epistemic potential in creative fandom projects

Analysis of argumentative processes in fan theories


  • José Manuel de Amo Sánchez-Fortún Universidad de Almería
  • Anastasio García-Roca Universidad de Almería



This paper focuses on the processes of knowledge construction and social interaction generated around literate practices linked to virtual communities. The hypertextual projects developed by users in these spaces put into operation complex creative, inferential and argumentative strategies that favor the development of creativity and critical thinking of their members. Focusing attention on fan theories, the research has allowed categorizing, defining and characterizing these original hermeneutic proposals made available to the community of followers (fandom) to be evaluated and debated. To this end, a study combining netnographic methodologies and discourse analysis has been carried out. The descriptive examination of these creative products has been carried out following the following variables: pragmatic aspects, context of argumentation and structural aspects (internal structure, types of arguments and conclusion or thesis reached). The results show the existence of three types of fan theories (predictive, explanatory and alternative) which are based on the prioritization of different argumentative mechanisms and creative dimensions. Predictive theories are personal interpretations based on subjective arguments and the establishment of connections between the text and the users' personal experience; explanatory theories are original theories supported by various critical and analytical arguments with precise references to the canon and paratextual elements; and alternative theories are characterized by their hypertextual and creative nature. It is concluded that an educational approach oriented to the development of critical and creative thinking should conceive hypertextual and virtual-based argumentative processes as a situated discursive practice.

Author Biographies

José Manuel de Amo Sánchez-Fortún , Universidad de Almería

Profesor titular de Universidad

Departamento de Educación

Anastasio García-Roca , Universidad de Almería

Profesor en el área de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura del Departamento de Educación de la Universidad de Almería. Actualmente, está apoyado por un contrato postdoctoral Margarita Salas del programa de recualificación del profesorado para el 2021-2023 convocada por la Universidad de Almería (ref. RR_A_2021_13) y financiada por el Ministerio Español de Universidades y la Unión Europea con fondos Next Generation. Ha publicado en revistas de alto impacto como El Profesional de la Información, Ocnos: revista de estudios sobre lectura, Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research o Psychology Society & Education y Cinta de Moebio. Es miembro del Grupo consolidado de Investigación HUM-745. Ha participado diversos proyectos de investigación I+D e innovación docente nacionales relacionados con educación, lectura y nuevas tecnologías (EDU2015-69924-R). Sus líneas de investigación se han centrado en la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, lectura digital, prácticas letradas realizadas en espacios de afinidad y redes sociales de lectura. Asimismo, forma parte del equipo de trabajo del Proyecto de Investigación internacional titulado "Práticas letradas digitais no ensino e aprendizagem de E/LE", coordinado por la profesora Girlene Moreira da Silva, IFRN.



How to Cite

de Amo Sánchez-Fortún, J. M., & García-Roca, A. (2022). The Epistemic potential in creative fandom projects: Analysis of argumentative processes in fan theories. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 97(36.3).