Learning in relation to teaching in initial training careers, what is learned and how.


  • maria alejandra Salgueiro Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




Although the training of teachers has been the object of investigation, there is a vacancy in some of the aspects that compromises this problem, especially with respect to the learning achieved in initial training careers. This article presents a synthesis of the results of a doctoral thesis carried out at the University of Malaga, Spain, the objective of which was to inquire about what those who graduate from an initial teacher training career learn about teaching and how they achieve it. An inquiry that was carried out in the context of a teaching staff for university graduates that takes place at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. This phenomenon was approached from a qualitative methodology, the point of view of the subjects involved was mainly considered: graduates and professors of the career. The interview and focus groups were prioritized as survey techniques.

The results achieved allow the conceptualization of learning as an articulation between types of learning, modalities and conditions. Learning whose fundamental component is cognitive and above all learning that refers to experiences are identified. The value of the latter for graduates is highlighted. It warns about the specificity of the learning achieved in the framework of this particular type of training, characterized as passages.

It is concluded about the need for the teaching proposals of the teachers to present more attention on the learning valued by the graduates, as well as the ways to achieve them.



How to Cite

Salgueiro, maria alejandra. (2021). Learning in relation to teaching in initial training careers, what is learned and how. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 96(35.1). https://doi.org/10.47553/rifop.v96i35.1.83031


