Art Education and Teacher Training: bibliometric approach




This article is dedicated to conducting a bibliometric analysis of international scientific production on "Art Education" and "Teacher Training" based on data obtained until December 2023. We analyze the most relevant sources, their temporal progression, and the most representative authors in the field, along with the historical progression of terms related to "Art Education" and "Teacher Training." Concerning the authors, we identify the most representative ones in the field, considering both the number of publications and various metrics of production quality. Additionally, we explore the progression of their scientific production and the institutions to which they belong. Regarding the conceptual structure, we analyze how the network of term co-occurrence is configured based on their presence in abstracts, keywords, titles, etc. We investigate the dimensions in which term clusters are distributed, their historical evolution, and the underlying structure of relevant terms obtained from titles, abstracts, and keywords. The results reveal a temporal evolution with a significant surge in the last decade, accompanied by Spain's leadership in scientific publications and media. Regarding term clusters, considering centrality, density, and network configuration, several distinctly differentiated clusters are identified, suggesting a broad thematic dispersion and breadth, along with clearly defined nodes in the thematic evolution of scientific production, where heritage emerges as one of the main emerging topics.

Author Biography

OLAIA FONTAL MERILLAS, Universidad de Valladolid

Profesora Titular de Universidad en el Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal.

Directora del Observatorio de Educación Patirmonial en España- MINECO

Coordinadora del Plan Nacional de Educación y Patirmonio- IPCE.MECD.



How to Cite

FONTAL MERILLAS, O. (2024). Art Education and Teacher Training: bibliometric approach. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 99(38.1).