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Hugo Casanova Cardiel
Roberto Rodríguez Gómez


INTRODUCTION.  The growing challenges and transformations of the systems and institutions of higher education have emphasized the great significance of its governance. Particularly, we recognize that universities have experienced modifications in recent times that have generated important effects on its stages and decision-making processes. These effects have enhanced the academic and practical interest in this strategic point of view on the contemporary university. METHOD. In this text, we deal with the general topic of university governance as a subject of study. We examine some approaches that have addressed this issue since the decade of 1970s, especially in the United States and Europe. Through selection and analysis of the literature relevant to the topic, we review some schools of thought that have addressed the issue since the seventies, particularly in the U.S. and Europe.  RESULTS. We describe, in general terms, the most significant contributions of such approaches as well as the categories of analysis and the proposed general models. We set out the main lines of continuity and change in the debate. DISCUSSION. Our discussion is about the current conditions and challenges discernible for understanding campus relations at the levels of the system and institutions, political processes that affect the exercise of authority, direction and control of the contemporary university.


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How to Cite
Casanova Cardiel, H., & Rodríguez Gómez, R. (2014). UNIVERSITY, POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT: APPROACHES TO INTERPRETATION AND PERSPECTIVES ON ANALYSIS. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 66(1), 151–164. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Hugo Casanova Cardiel, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctor en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad de Barcelona (UB). Investigador y profesor de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación. Profesor visitante en la UB (2001-2002). Entre sus libros se incluyen: La reforma universitaria y el gobierno de la UNAM (2009) y El gobierno de la universidad en España (2012). Es coordinador asociado de la Red de Investigadores Sobre Educación Superior y pertenece al Claustro de Doctores de la UB.

Roberto Rodríguez Gómez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctor en Sociología por el Colegio de México. Investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Especialista en temas de política universitaria y  educación superior comparada. Sus más recientes publicaciones son El siglo de la UNAM (2013) y La SEP en el desarrollo de la educación superior (2012). Forma parte del Seminario de Educación Superior de la UNAM. Es coordinador asociado de la Red de Investigadores Sobre Educación Superior y pertenece al Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa.