Enablers, barriers and proposals for child participation in spanish municipalities

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Ana Maria Novella-Cámara
Clara Romero-Pérez
María Barba-Núñez
Alba Quirós-Guindal


INTRODUCTION. The EU Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027) has highlighted the importance of strengthening working relationships between the political authorities and children population to defend youth rights and inclusion in local, national and European decision-making. This paper aims to identify enabling factors and barriers to participatory practices with children and to make proposals for developing these practices in the context of the network of municipalities belonging to the International Association of Educating Cities (IAEC) and the Child-Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI). Identifying these factors will enable to propose strategic actions leading to a full children participation in political and democratic life. METHOD. The study was part of a nationwide project with a mixed-method approach. Data were collected via two self-administered online surveys with ad hoc design. The sample consisted of 136 girls, boys and adolescents, 191 local government officers and 88 elected representatives. The resulting data was analysed via a content analysis using Atlas-ti software. RESULTS. Respondents agreed on the need for greater political commitment towards child participation, and to increase the arenas where under-18s can make decisions and carry out initiatives to transform their social environments. DISCUSSION. The obtained results support the importance of valuing child participation and highlighted the need to promote cooperative actions between girls, boys and adolescents and policy makers to influence municipal policy. The need for child participation as an indispensable element of the public sphere was made visible, for it to be articulated in settings where children can work together with elected representatives, and for it to have a tangible impact on municipal policy, as recommended by the Council of Europe.


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How to Cite
Novella-Cámara, A. M., Romero-Pérez, C., Barba-Núñez, M., & Quirós-Guindal, A. (2023). Enablers, barriers and proposals for child participation in spanish municipalities. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 75(2), 105–121. https://doi.org/10.13042/Bordon.2023.96430
Monográfico "Educación, esferas de participación y ciudadanía"
Author Biographies

Ana Maria Novella-Cámara, Universidad de Barcelona (España)

PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the University of Barcelona. Professor in the Department of Theory and History of Education. University of Barcelona. CoIP of the R+D+i project "Childhood and participation. Diagnosis and proposals for an active and inclusive citizenship in the community, institutions and governance" (RTI2018-098821) and researcher in the European project Kids Got Rights. Member of the Research Group on Moral Education (GREM). Research interests: Citizenship, values education, participation and educational theory.

Clara Romero-Pérez, Universidad de Sevilla (España)

PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the University of Seville. Master's Degree in University Pedagogy and University Teaching from the University of Liège (Belgium). Professor at the University of Seville. Head of the Research Group on Emotional Education and Dramatisation (GRieeD). Lines of research: Socio-affective education and educational environment, Theory of education, Philosophy of education.

María Barba-Núñez, Universidade da Coruña (España)

Assistant lecturer. Social educator and PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Lecturer and researcher in the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics at the University of A Coruña. Member of the ECIGAL research group. Lines of research: community participation and social inclusion in the penitentiary field and environmental sustainability.

Alba Quirós-Guindal, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED, (España)

Postgraduate student in the Doctorate Programme in Education at the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Graduate in Psychology and Master's Degree in Psychosocial and Community Intervention from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Research assistant in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education I (MIDE I), Faculty of Education (UNED). Member of the Intercultural Education Research Group (INTER). Lines of research: participation, intercultural education and social circus.


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