Queer experiences in the classroom: self-perceived well-being among Galician LGBT+ teachers

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Ana M. Amigo-Ventureira
Alexandre Garrido López


INTRODUCTION. The psycho-social wellbeing of teachers is both a goal in itself and an unavoidable prerequisite in order to better the education and the classroom climate. An aspect that has a influences on this well-being is being a part socially marginalized groups such as the LGBT+. Although numerous studies have been developed with LGBT+ people in the school system, most are focused on the students. METHOD. In order to gauge the influence LGBTphobia has on queer teachers a qualitative study was carried out. We have conducted non-structured dialogic interviews with 8 individuals with diverse backgrounds. RESULTS. We have determined that the levels of psycho-social well-being among LGBT+ teachers are directly affected by the distinct ways in which the structural LGBTphobia manifests itself in the school system. The fear of losing the job, suffering mobbing or being confronted by LGBT-phobic families impedes part of this group to live their sexuality or identity oppenly, , which has a severe impact on their mental health and performance. The negative effects of discriminatory conduct are magnified when the teachers lack a support network, which can be a LGBT+ grou in the school center or being supported by an organization. DISCUSSION. The results point out the fact that LGBTphobia must be confronted by the administrations with specific and efefctive measures towards achieving the full inclusion of LGBT+ teachers. The true fulfillment of the current law in this area, and the education of all present and future teachers regarding attention to gender diveristy and sexual orientation stand out as the foremost mains in achieving this goal.


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How to Cite
Amigo Ventureira, A. M., & Garrido López, X. (2023). Queer experiences in the classroom: self-perceived well-being among Galician LGBT+ teachers. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 75(3), 11–26. https://doi.org/10.13042/Bordon.2023.96356
Author Biographies

Ana M. Amigo-Ventureira, Investigadora independiente

Doctora por la Universidade da Coruña (UDC), ha trabajado como investigadora en el Erasmus + BRIDGE y coordinado proyectos como Bibliodiversidade. Sus intereses de investigación se centran en las pedagogías, metodologías y teorías queer.

Alexandre Garrido López, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (España)

Grado en Biología por la USC (2009-2013), Máster en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria por la USC (2017-2018), Grado en Antropología Social y Cultural por la UNED (2017-actualidad), Doctorado en Educación por la USC (2020-actualidad).


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