Initial and in-service training of Secondary Education teachers in Spain. A territorial analysis

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Francisco López Rupérez
Isabel García García
Eva Expósito-Casas


INTRODUCTION. Throughout the present century, the importance of teacher-centred and evidenceinformed policies has increased, especially those for initial and in-service training. In this context, the present study adopts a diagnostic approach for Spain and its Autonomous Communities and cities. METHOD. The methodology used is based on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 database and secondary analyses carried out from a descriptive-exploratory perspective on an effective sample of 18,892 teachers, stratified by subnational jurisdictions. RESULTS. On average, only 35.92% of respondents answered the 18 items of the TC045 questionnaire related to aspects of their initial training; 33.40% do so for critical factors of teaching, and 30.57% for competencies for the 21st century. This range of figures is reduced, for in-service training, to 24.12%, 23.74% and 27.71% respectively. The territorialised analysis shows a somewhat more differentiated behaviour in the case of in-service training but broadly homogeneous for the different jurisdictions. A quartile analysis by the index of Economic, Social and Cultural Status (ESCS) indicates, in general terms, a lack of compensatory approach for in-service training policies. DISCUSSION. The empirical findings point to a lack of updating of the initial training of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) teachers that is particularly notable for the Secondary Master’s Degree in regard to the critical factors of teaching. This raises the need for a reform of the model, informed for evidence. Regarding in-service training, there is a deficient alignment with the current challenges, both in terms of teaching and educational compensation, which suggests a marked change in the in-service training model that provides teachers and the educational system with greater benefits.


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López Rupérez, F., García García, I., & Expósito-Casas, E. (2021). Initial and in-service training of Secondary Education teachers in Spain. A territorial analysis. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 73(4), 65–84.


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