The use of EdPuzzle to learn polynomial factorization in Secondary Education

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Cristina Jimenez
María Arantzazu Jadraque
Ángel Alberto Magreñán Ruiz
Lara Orcos


INTRODUCTION. One of the main objectives of Mathematics education is to motivate students since their interest in Mathematics is very low in many cases and, in others, even null. The use of different technologies has grown a lot in the last decades and several authors in the area have demonstrated their effectiveness in the classroom. In addition, the use of different Information and Communication Technologies, which students can use in their own homes, is also growing. METHOD. In this study, the use of the EdPuzzle application is presented, under the paradigm of the Flip Learning methodology in the third year of the Secondary Education Level for learning polynomial factorization in a school in Spain in two different courses, taught by the same teacher. To carry out the experience, the average grades of two exams have been taken, the first one related to polynomials and the basic concepts, used as a pretest since it has the main basic concepts that the student must know before continuing, and another related to the polynomial factorization, used as a posttest, and the scores obtained by the group that used EdPuzzle were compared
with those that did not use it. RESULTS. Comparison of both groups shows that the scores are significantly higher in the group that used EdPuzzle in the posttest. DISCUSSION. The Cohen’s d effect size obtained was almost medium, and the questionnaire answers were positive, aspects that make EdPuzzle a tool to be considered in the teaching-learning process of Mathematics.


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Jimenez, C., Jadraque, M. A., Magreñán Ruiz, Ángel A., & Orcos, L. (2021). The use of EdPuzzle to learn polynomial factorization in Secondary Education. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 73(4), 27–42.


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