Education Model transformation in regards to learning and competence development. A Case study

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Déborah Martín R.
Mercedes García García


INTRODUCTION. This paper discusses the effect on students of an experience of transformation from a static school into a versatile model that transfers to the classroom the use of active and collaborative methodologies. It is carried out in a real environment, through the advice of an external consultant, during two courses. The aim is to assess the development of competence, satisfaction and academic performance of the students according to the changes observed after the transformation. METHOD. The research design a case study. It describes the context, the information before to and the changes observed after the transformation. Information is collected by group interviews, documentary analysis of reports and analysis academic achievement. The treatment of the data has been through qualitative and quantitative analysis. RESULTS. The transformation over two years is manifested in three educational models of different versatility. Teacher’s perception come out the effect that versatile models centred on learning have on the competence development of students, specifically linguistic, maths, social and civic competence, an improvement in behaviour and performance and greater student satisfaction with the organisation of the classroom, learning by projects, participation in learning and openness to the environment. On the other hand, there is no improvement where the transformation has not taken place. DISCUSSION. The results are coincident with research as European reports on the impact of versatile school and classroom cultures on learning and school climate. In addition, improvements are observed when the educational model is developed over time, at least two courses, supported by pedagogical leadership. It shows new lines of research on the effects that techniques linked to versatility have on the development of students’skills but also on teaching skills and the quality of schools.


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How to Cite
Martín R., D., & García García, M. (2018). Education Model transformation in regards to learning and competence development. A Case study. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 70(4), 103–119.
Author Biographies

Déborah Martín R., Universidad Internacional de La Rioja- UNIR

Doctora en Educación. Máster en Innovación e investigación educativa.  Pedagoga, Psicóloga Forense y criminóloga.Directora de Centros SocioEducativos. Miembro de dos grupos de investigación "pedagogía adaptativa" de UCM y "Metodologías Activas y Mastery Learning" de UNIR. Actualmente es directora de la Escuela UNIR de Formación de Profesores en Tecnología Educativa y Competencias. Su línea de investigación se relaciona con la transformación de las organizaciones educativas hacia metodologías activas y  el desarrollo competencial. Consultora y formadora en Pedagogía para el Éxito.

Mercedes García García, Universidad Complutense de Madrid- UCM

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesora Titular de Pedagogía Diferencial del Departamento de Investigación y Psicología en Educación de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Codirectora del grupo de investigación UCM-940424 Pedagogía Adaptativa y codirectora del Proyecto I+D+i  EDU2015-63844-R PROFICIENCyIn+E (MINECO/FEDER). Sus líneas de investigación giran en torno a: teoría y estrategias adaptativas en contextos escolares; evaluación y desarrollo de competencias docentes; y evaluación de competencias genéricas en la universidad.