Level of knowledge, attitudes and the use of preventive measures among household contacts of COVID-19 cases after the acute phase of the pandemic





Knowledge, Attitude, COVID-19, Household contact, Preventive measures


Background. Assessment of the level of knowledge and attitudes regarding COVID-19 and preventive measures in household contacts of COVID-19 cases after the acute phase of the pandemic.

Methods. Survey among household contacts of COVID-19 cases conducted in healthcare centers in Navarre (1) and Catalonia (8) between May 2022 and July 2023. The frequency of use of preventive measures and the knowledge and attitudes towards COVID-19 were assessed through 12 items.

Results. 215 contacts participated who correctly used the preventive measures (>85%), except for facemasks (35.8%) and interpersonal distance (47%); >85% showed adequate knowledge (5/6 items) and >80% had a positive attitude (3/6 items). Moreover, 54.7% considered that COVID-19 negatively affected their life and 54.1% that it is better to develop immunity by getting infected than by vaccination.

Conclusions. Household contacts show a correct level of knowledge and positive attitude towards the disease and its preventive measures.


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Author Biographies

Vanessa Bullón-Vela , Instituto de Salud Pública de Navarra

Gobierno de Navarra. Departamento de Salud. Instituto de Salud Pública de Navarra. Pamplona. Spain. https://ror.org/000ep5m48

Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA). Spain https://ror.org/023d5h353

Diana Toledo , universidad de Barcelona

Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona. Spain https://ror.org/021018s57

CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP). Spain https://ror.org/050q0kv47


Noelia Vera-Punzano , Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra

Gobierno de Navarra. Departamento de Salud. Instituto de Salud Pública de Navarra. Pamplona. Spain. https://ror.org/000ep5m48

Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA). Spain https://ror.org/023d5h353

Pere Godoy , Universitat de Lleida

Universitat de Lleida. Lleida. Spain https://ror.org/050c3cw24

CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP). Spain https://ror.org/050q0kv47

Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida (IRBLleida). Spain. https://ror.org/03mfyme49

Manuel García Cenoz , Instituto de Salud Pública de Navarra

Gobierno de Navarra. Departamento de Salud. Instituto de Salud Pública de Navarra. Pamplona. Spain. https://ror.org/000ep5m48

Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA). Spain https://ror.org/023d5h353

CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP). Spain https://ror.org/050q0kv47

Jéssica Pardos-Plaza , Gestió de Serveis Sanitaris

Servei Català de la Salut. Gestió de Serveis Sanitaris. Lleida. Spain

Jesús Castilla , Instituto de Salud Pública de Navarra

Gobierno de Navarra. Departamento de Salud. Instituto de Salud Pública de Navarra. Pamplona. Spain. https://ror.org/000ep5m48

Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA). Spain https://ror.org/023d5h353

CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP). Spain https://ror.org/050q0kv47

Angela Domínguez , Universitat de Barcelona

Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona. Spain https://ror.org/021018s57

CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP). Spain https://ror.org/050q0kv47


Iván Martínez-Baz , Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra

Gobierno de Navarra. Departamento de Salud. Instituto de Salud Pública de Navarra. Pamplona. Spain. https://ror.org/000ep5m48

Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA). Spain https://ror.org/023d5h353

CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP). Spain https://ror.org/050q0kv47


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How to Cite

Bullón-Vela, V., Toledo, D., Vera-Punzano, N., Godoy, P., García Cenoz, M., Pardos-Plaza, J. ., Castilla, J., Domínguez, A. ., & Martínez-Baz, I. (2024). Level of knowledge, attitudes and the use of preventive measures among household contacts of COVID-19 cases after the acute phase of the pandemic. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 47(1), e1070. https://doi.org/10.23938/ASSN.1070



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