Pedagogy and death in the Middle Ages: from Cato to Prosper
Death, Auctores minores, Disticha Catonis, Sedulius, Juvencus, Prosper of Aquitaine, Original sin, School TextsAbstract
Numerous specialists have approached the subject of death in the Middle Ages, but few of them have dealt with how medieval children that could receive scholarly instruction were taught to die. This contribution aims to address how they were taught about the fact of dying from a moral perspective. I will depart with the definition of auctores minores provided by Conrado de Hirsau (12th century) and then analyze the first works of his canon: the Disticha Catonis, Sedulius’ Carmen Paschale, Juvencus’ Euangeliorum libri quattuor, Proper’s Liber sententiarum and Epigrammata.
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