From the Balneator in the Sendebar to the Senescalus in the Seven Sages:from the “exemplo” to narrative fiction


  • Marta Haro Cortés Universidad de Valencia



Tales of Sendebar, Seven Sages of Rome, Balneator, Senescalus, Transmission, Easter and Wester literary traditions


A study that sheds new light on the transmission of the story of Balneator/ Senescalus in both the Eastern and Western literary traditions of the Tales of Sendebar. The paper explores the multiple recreations of the Balneator/Senescalus from the exemplo in the Tales of Sendebar to the short narrative in the Seven Sage of Rome and, furthermore, examines its continuous process of rearrativization throughout the Middle Ages, which responds to the necessity of adapting the story to different generic models and channels of literary transmission, as well as to changing conditions and literary tastes. 


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How to Cite

Haro Cortés, M. (2015) “From the Balneator in the Sendebar to the Senescalus in the Seven Sages:from the ‘exemplo’ to narrative fiction”, Revista de poética medieval, 29, pp. 145–175. doi: 10.37536/RPM.2015.29.0.53282.
