Trust in the Armed Forces: international comparative analysis




Armed Forces, trust, values, security, descriptive-explanatory analysis


This study aims to analyze trust in the Armed Forces in contemporary societies. Three hypotheses have been formulated: 1) citizens in most countries have more trust in the Armed Forces than in other institutions, especially political ones; 2) due to the prolonged period of global peace, it is expected that trust in the Armed Forces has declined because citizens have lost the fear that their country might become involved in a war; and 3) this prolonged period of peace has led some of the population to be unwilling to defend their country in the event of war, as they do not foresee a possible conflict. The analysis has been conducted using the aggregated data file from the World Values Survey (EVS and WVS), utilizing three units of analysis: the world, ten geo-cultural regions, and ten selected countries. The analysis is descriptive and explanatory, both cross-sectional and longitudinal.

Author Biography

Juan Díez Nicolás , Camilo José Cela University

Director de la cátedra de Desarrollo Social, Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid.


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How to Cite

Díez Nicolás , J. (2024). Trust in the Armed Forces: international comparative analysis. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 33(3), a229.