To whom are the different forms of protest addressed? An analysis of the evolution of the targets and repertoires of social movements in 21st century Spain
repertoires of contention, protest targets, crisis, protest event analysis, correspondence analysisAbstract
In this article we explore the link between protest targets and contentious performances through a case study focused on Spain between 2000 and 2020. More specifically, we analyze the relationship between different protest targets and repertoires of contention, considering the transgression and amplitude of the latter, and observing the evolution of this relationship over time, especially in contexts of crisis. To do this, we employ a methodological strategy that combines protest event analysis with correspondence analysis. The application of these techniques to a case hitherto unexplored generate new evidence that allow us to advance in our knowledge on protest targets with the testing of some of the hypotheses offered by the specialized literature on this issue. Additionally, we suggest some further research lines.
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