From the physical store to the online flea marketplace: online fashion consumption in Spain


  • Juan Navarro-Martínez Departamento de Sociología. Universidad de Granada
  • Lucía Granda Departamento de Sociología. Universidad de Granada
  • Federico López-Capra Departamento de Sociología. Universidad de Granada



E-commerce, fashion consumption, digitalization, consumer profiles, fast fashion, marketplace


In the last few years, fashion e-commerce has grown exponentially as a result of increasing digitization and new consumption practices. This article focuses on fashion e-commerce in Spain by exploring consumer profiles and spending trends.  For this purpose, a segmentation analysis has been carried out using data from the Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households published by the National Statistics Institute (INE). Moreover, a descriptive analysis of the annual reports of the National Commission of Markets and Competition has been carried out. Age, sex, type of household or size of habitat are some of the variables with the greatest explanatory power. It has also been found that consumption is mainly oriented towards a kind of "online flea marketplace", which is dominated by low-price fast fashion sales platforms.


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How to Cite

Navarro-Martínez, J., Granda, L., & López-Capra, F. (2023). From the physical store to the online flea marketplace: online fashion consumption in Spain. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 32(3), a173.