From the "digital divide" to internet control. Uses, attitudes and digital participation in Spain
Digital divide, social networks, participation gap, digital capital, digital societyAbstract
Since the beginning of the popularization of the Internet in the 1990s, various debates have developed about social differences in participation in digital environments, which have taken the name of digital divide, in its most material, cognitive or power dimension. Progressively the debate has evolved from simplistic and / or utopian positions on the democratizing condition of the network towards more sociological visions, based on notions such as social and cultural capital. Specifically, we study the influence that digital capital exerts, together with the main socio-demographic aspects, on the uses of social networks by individuals in Spain. For this study, we used the data from the Eurobarometer 92.3 for the year 2019, and we applied the multinomial logistic regression technique. The most significant result, regarding the use of social networks, is that there are differentiated internet cultures, linked to the unequal distribution of digital capital.
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