Introduction to the monographic section
Estado de Bienestar, Bienestar Ocupacional, Welfare mixAbstract
Introducción a la sección monográfica bienestar ocupacional
Ascoli, U., Natali, D., Pavolini, E. (2018). Still a weak occupational welfare in Southern Europe? Evidence from the Italian case, Social Policy & Administration, 52 (2), 534-548.
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Martínez Poza, A. (2018). Protecting occupational pensions and unemployment benefits in Spain: a weak occupational welfare system, En D. Natali, E. Pavolini with B. Vanhercke (coord.) Occupational Welfare in Europe: Risks, opportunities and social partner involvement. Bruselas: ETUI.
Natali, D., Keune, M., Pavolini, E., Seeleib-Kaiser, M. (2018a). Sixty years after Titmuss: New findings on occupational welfare in Europe. Social Policy & Administration, 52(2), 435-448.
Natali, D., Pavolini, E., Vanhercke, B., eds. (2018b). Occupational Welfare in Europe: Risks, opportunities and social partner involvement. Bruselas: ETUI.
Morel, N., Touzet, C., Zemmour, M. (2018). Fiscal welfare in Europe: Why should we care and what do we know so far? Journal of European Social Policiy, 28 (5), 549-560.
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Sinfield, A. (2012). Fiscal welfare. En B. Greve (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State (pp. 20-29). Londres: Routledge.
Titmuss, R. (1958). Essays on the welfare state. Londres: Allen and Unwin.
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