An opportunity for what? Interest groups facing the impact of COVID 19 on the tourism sector


  • María Velasco González Universidad Complutense de Madrid



tourism sector, interest groups, business associations, public policy, pandemic, COVID-19


The sustained growth of tourism activity for more than seven decades and its resilience to crisis led to the consolidation of a tourism policy arena in which public decision-makers and some interest groups from the tourism sector participated on a regular basis. In the context of this policy domain, the narrative on tourism and tourism policy also responded to a robust rhetoric which, regardless the circumstances, was already dealing with negative feedback that pointed out different problems related to the sustainability of the model such as overcrowded destinations or poor quality of jobs in the tourism sector among others. The effects of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 in the tourism sector were particularly significant mainly due to mobility restrictions. In order to cope with this situation much more active positions from both governments and interest groups were required. The article examines the impact on the stakeholder map as well as possible changes in the strategies adopted by the players involved. The research conclusions support the idea that stakeholders continue to perform their duties without any significant change, although a more relevant contribution is demanded during the difficult moments we are currently experiencing. This situation is pushing them to assume more proactive and open to dialogue positions.


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How to Cite

Velasco González, M. (2022). An opportunity for what? Interest groups facing the impact of COVID 19 on the tourism sector. Revista Española De Ciencia Política, (60), 225–250.


