Political influence of Senegalese civil society on the European development aid policies: Limits and challenges at the local level


  • Isabel Marín-Sánchez Universidad de Granada




political influence, development aid, civil society, Senegal, European Union, public policy, political dialogue.


The civil society is gaining a relevant role within the framework of the European Development Aid policy. However, the emphasis granted by the EU is in contrast with the practical experience of civil society organisations in specific contexts and their difficulties to make it effective. This article shows that the civil society’s political influence depends on factors that differ widely among regional contexts. The very existence of institutional mechanisms and spaces for dialogue does not guarantee civil society participation or its effective impact on the EU development aid policy. Based on a qualitative research conducted in Senegal, we will illustrate the obstacles that are hindering the political influence of Senegalese civil society organisations and a deep gap between the institutional conception of political influence and the challenges encountered by civil society organisations in their daily work dynamics at the local level.


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Author Biography

Isabel Marín-Sánchez, Universidad de Granada

Isabel Marín Sánchez. Politóloga y Doctora en Antropología Social. Profesora del Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales de la Universidad de Granada. Sus investigaciones, con especial énfasis en el Magreb, abordan los campos de la migración, las políticas de cooperación para el desarrollo y la sociedad civil (Marruecos, México, Senegal, EE.UU).


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How to Cite

Marín-Sánchez, I. (2017). Political influence of Senegalese civil society on the European development aid policies: Limits and challenges at the local level. Revista Española De Ciencia Política, (45), 123–146. https://doi.org/10.21308/recp.45.05


