The research like pedagogic strategy in the process of teachers' training: Statement of educational practice


  • Teresinha Rodrigues de Oliveira Universidad del Estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil)
  • Vanda Arantes de Araújo Universidad del Estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil)


Research, Portfolio, Autonomy, Mediation, Formative valuation, Teacher’s Training


This paper describes and analyses elements an experiment developed in the Curso de Pedagogia/ Faculdade de Educação/Campus de Belo Horizonte/Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil), in the classes of “Educational Valuation Studies” by using the procedure of process enquiry and free readings. The students after having been submitted to a pre-test and elaboratated a memoir about their experience in valuation, defined and sketched out and developed individual plans of study, under the assistance of their professors; they socialized the results obtained in their research at the end of the school semester; they made self-valuation all along the process of construction and systematization of knowledge; they elaborated and organized portfolios. This experience ratified the importance of researches, and the understanding of their life experiments by themselves, and so the elaboration of their own conceptions. It was pointed out the building of autonomy and the shared construction of knowledge in a collective context of collaboration, during what was adopted the proposal of a self-made knowledge in which the process of investigation in the daily pedagogic practices was the structural axis.


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