Positive influence of school mediation on teaching and institutional quality improvement: perceptions of the mediator teacher


  • Sara Ibarrola-García Universidad de Navarra
  • Concha Iriarte Redín Universidad de Navarra


School mediation, conflict resolution, socioaffective learning, civic education.


School mediation is an educational strategy that intervenes in the conflict at the same time as preventing it, developing personal and interpersonal qualities and improving the environment. In the framework of school mediation evidence is collected which shows the potentialities of school mediation (Alzate, 2007; Binaburo, 2007; Boqué, 2002; Bell et al. 2002; Bodine and Crawford, 1998; Casella, 2000; Cavas, 2009; Cohen, 2005; De Diego and Guillén, 2008; Farrell, Myer and White, 2001; Farré, 2006; Galan and Torrego Ruiz, 2008, Harris 2005, Jones 2004, Johnson et al. 1996; Otero, 2007; Revell and Arthur, 2007; Selfridge, 2004; Smith, Daunic, Miller and Robinson, 2002; Turnuklu et al. 2010) and in this light we analyze perceptions of a sample of teacher mediators (n = 50) through a set of statements collected in a questionnaire prepared ad hoc (authors, 2012) that reflect various aspects related to possible emotional, cognitive and moral learning produced through school mediation as well as the perceived effects of improvement in school coexistence. On the one hand, the teachers perceive personal improvements especially in reflective thinking and empathy. On the other, the teachers emphasize the preventive use of mediation in the school not only to counteract conflict dynamics in an educational way but also to provide resources and specific coping skills to face up to daily situations in the classroom.


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