Good Teaching Practices in Teacher Education: Interwoven Stories and Models
Mots-clés :
Teacher education, Good teaching, (Auto)biography, NarrativeRésumé
This paper summarizes some of the investigations carried our by the Education and Cultural Studies Research Group (GIEEC) at Mar del Plata State University, Argentina. The research approach adopted is naturalistic, interpretative and oriented towards biography and narrative inquiry. Good university instructors were identifi ed by a questionnaire, administered to senior students attending Teacher Education Programs at the School of Humanities, which yielded features of good practices and good instructors. Professors who were most frequently recorded were interviewed in depth. Their narratives were theoretically reinterpreted to reexamine the foundations and practices of initial teacher education. This work presents the case of a good teacher in the ELT Education Program by interweaving this teacher’s narratives and students’ answers, trying to find continuities and changes concerning the former’s itineraries, mentors and ideal studentsRéférences
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