Gender and generation gap impact on the construction of parent´s attitudes toward coeducational innovation


  • Ramón Pacheco González Piñal École Normale Supérieure (Francia)
  • María del Rosario Rodríguez Díaz Universidad de Sevilla
  • Rafael García Pérez Universidad de Sevilla

Mots-clés :

family, gender gap, generation gap, attitudes, coeducation.


This paper deals with recognition of indicators towards attitudinal predisposition among students and peers when cooperating, keeping or rejecting the construction of a new gender culture at school; what we consider a guarantee for the educational equality of sons and daughters. Therefore, we analyze gender attitudes within the family through intra and inter gendered level (fathers/mothers and sons/daughters) settled in their link with the coeducational school, considering both gender and generation gap; all mentioned above linked to the double presence and role of these agents within the two historically implicated institutions in Education: family and school. It has been use a survey design which has been applied through some Likert scales, considering a sample of 1350 individuals (627 parents, 723 children), it has been described some positions (blocking / adaptive / coeducational) and it has been compared some attitudinal levels towards gender construction, confronting groups of mothers / daughters, fathers / sons, mothers / sons, fathers / daughters ..., based on a causal comparative and ex post facto logical that considers both gender and generation contrast in order to size both gender and generation gap. Main findings maximize the importance of the gender gap within family; especially the low standing attitudes of men (fathers and sons) within the relational level, in which men use to show blocker positions.


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