Editorial: Historia del currículum: una anotación breve en la historia


  • Thomas S. Popkewitz University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA)




Baker, Bernadette (2001). In perpetual motion. Theories of power, educational history, and the child. New York: Peter Lang.

Franklin, B. (1986). Building the American community: The school curriculum and the search for social control. New York: Falmer Press.

Goodson, I. (1987). School subjects and curriculum change. London, England: Falmer Press.

Hamilton, D. (1989). Towards a Theory of Schooling. London: Falmer Press.

Kliebard, H. M. (1986). The struggle for the American curriculum: 1893-1953, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Kliebard, H.M. (1998). Revisión del ‘Rationale de Tyler’, Revista de Estudios del Currículum, 1 (2), 1998, 170-180.

Lawn, Martin y Grosvenor, Ian (eds.) (2005). Materialities of Schooling. Design – Technology – Objects – Routines. Oxford: Symposium Books.

Nóvoa, António (1999). Analysemodelle in der Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft - Feld und Karte. Zeitschrift für Internationale Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung, 16 (1/2), pp. 25-71.

Popkewitz, T.S., Pereyra, M.A. y Franklin, B.M. (eds.) (2003). Historia cultural y educación: ensayos críticos sobre conocimiento y escolarización. Barcelona: Pomares [Ed. original: Cultural history and critical studies of education: Critical essays on knowledge and schooling. New York: Routledge, 2001].


