E-Hopes and Public Education in Latin America


  • Gustavo E. Fischman Arizona State University
  • José Luís Ramírez Romero Universidad de Sonora


information and communication technologies, public education, pedagogical hopes


As has been the case in other regions, in Latin America the incorporation of information and communication technologies into the education systems has been an uneven and complex process, marked by numerous problems of efficiency, access, equity, and fairness (Cuban, 2001; Demo, 2005; Everett, 1998; Tedesco, 2006). The objective of this chapter is to analyze the perspectives taken on these problems by several key educational actors involved in the processes of incorporating information and communicational technologies (ICTs) into the public education systems of four countries: Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Mexico. The data for this chapter have been obtained by reviewing relevant literature and by analyzing information obtained through semi-structured interviews with 75 relevant informants.


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