Assessment of reading comprehension strategies in initial teacher training: the influence of the training moment and the text format on the summary produced


  • María José Rodríguez Conde Universidad de Salamanca
  • Gabriel Herrada Valverde Universidad de Salamanca
  • Azucena Hernández Martín Universidad de Salamanca



initial teacher training, hypertext, reading comprehension, summary, strategies


Knowledge building is linked to the reading comprehension involved in the creation of summaries. However, summarising effectively favours knowledge creation only when one starts from an adequate task model: to express in a personal and brief way the macrostructure of the text. This research consists of a quasi-experimental study with a group of students starting the Degree in Primary Education and another group who had already graduated from it and were studying a Degree in Psyhopedagogy. The aim was to verify the influence of the type of text, printed or hyperlinked, on the usage of reading comprehension strategies needed to create a summary. Results suggest that, regardless of the educational stage of the student and the text format, the reader does not start from an adequate task model that allows them to obtain a satisfying product. The relevance of this study lays in the type of students surveyed, who are future Primary Education teachers, and the consequences that it entails for the approach to the initial training of teachers.


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