“A return to reading”, or the importance of personal reading in language and literature ongoing teacher education


  • Felipe Munita GRETEL, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; CIED, Universidad Católica de Temuco




beliefs, permanent education, reading, reading habit


This article addresses ongoing teacher education in the field of the teaching of language and literature. In this context, the purpose of our study was to look into possible changes in teachers’ beliefs and reported practices around reader and literary education. Which we did through an intervention centered on teacher’s personal reading. 27 teachers participated in this qualitative case study. Data was constructed from semi-structured interviews and satisfaction surveys. Content and narrative analysis enabled the emergence of overarching categories. Our main results show an improvement in teachers’ self-images as readers and as a reader-mediators, as well as a positive change in their beliefs about children and youth literature, and literary education in schools. Moreover, their reported practices highlight the start of processes of improvement and innovation in their teaching practices on literary reading. As a conclusion, the study underlines the value of considering teacher’s personal reading as a part of their ongoing teacher education in the field of the teaching of language and literature.


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