Development of critical thinking in students of secondary education: design, implementation and evaluation of an educational program


  • Daniel Albertos Gómez IES Carpe Diem (Fuenlabrada). Universidad Nebrija
  • Agustín De la Herrán Gascón Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Critical thinking, evaluation, secondary education, scientific education


There is general consensus on critical thinking granting a position of importance among the most essential skills in the XXI century. It has also been found in several studies the lack of skills such thinking in students. Therefore, the proposal to create a specific program to develop critical thinking to fill this educational need arises. After his design was applied to students 16-17 years of age, in an institute of Secondary Education of the Community of Madrid. Teaching critical thinking was approached from the base of the formation of scientific education, by infusion focus. To check the quality of the program, its correct development and effectiveness, was evaluated following the model of Pérez Juste (2000). In parallel, it conducted a study of multiple cases during the implementation phase of the program, in order to understand better the process of acquiring the skills worked on the program. The quantitative results, following a quasi-experimental methodology, with measures in the HCTAES test before and after application, and using control group, noted the effectiveness of the program. Moreover, from a qualitative point of view, they highlighted the main difficulties in acquiring these skills and transfer them from a scientific context to another of a social nature. This study can be a prelude to the future implementation of the program in other courses, other related materials or other schools.


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