Homophobia, heterosexism and Physical Education: Students’ perceptions
Physical Education, homosexuality, heterosexuality, gender, harassment.Abstract
Spain has seen in recent years a legislative progress regarding the defence of gender equalities. Schools have the obligation to educate their students with a critical view of androcentric society that exists in the country. At the legal level, heterosexuality and homosexuality are sexual orientations in Spain that have reached full equality. However, this sexual diversity, which both laws and most of Spanish society assume with no problems, doesn’t find a parallel development in the Spanish educational system. This study aims to understand the perceptions of youth regarding homophobia and heterosexism in Physical Education classes. The research was carried out with the participation of 245 students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Seville. The participants responded to a questionnaire concerning heterosexist and homophobic behaviours perceived during their secondary education. The results show the generalization of heterosexist behaviours, as well as the high percentage of students who have witnessed or experienced firsthand homophobic behaviours. Furthermore, we see a lack of awareness in that sense among Physical Education teachers. Consequently, we highlight the need to educate and to sensitize the Physical Education teacher providing them with appropriate intervention strategies, and fostering the knowledge about heterosexism and homophobia in the field of Physical Education.References
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