Becoming a teacher: The first year of work for teachers in Early Childhood Education


  • Graciela Fandiño Cubillos Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia
  • Inés Elvira Castaño Silva Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia


Early Childhood Education teachers, beginning teacher, teachers' training


This article presents the results of the research about the most teaching problems for the graduates of Early Childhood Education of Universidad Pedagógica Nacional of Colombia, during their first year of work like teachers. It describes and analyzes the problems in the personal, didactic, institutional and social levels. Being the institutional trouble in which they feel the biggest problems by the pedagogical approaches confrontation of both public and private organizations; as well as, to the conflicts in the relation with the institution parents . The above leads to reflect on the need to accompany the beginning teachers in their first working year, because this will constitute many of its future ways of working and points of views of the same problems.


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